Acumen is a full service aircraft asset lease manager and offers a full range of services throughout the lifecycle of the aircraft. The services include Aircraft Sourcing, Pre-purchase Inspections (physical and records), Project Management, Lease Management and Re-marketing, Fleet Audits, Aircraft Trading and Powerplant Management. Its customers include Aircraft Lessors, Airlines, Banks, Private Equity and Investors.
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Navigating Thorough a Crisis - An Asset Owners Prespective
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
This podcast is based taken from our recent webinar. In this podcast Eamonn, Donal & Alan takes you through the current market situation; preparation & planning for the worst and executing if required. At all times keeping in mind preservation and derivation of maximum value of your assets.
Key takeways: understand contingency planning & preparation, understand key execution points and plan the way forward to get the maximum value.